Friday, July 1, 2022

Day 8. Take back your time

Protect your most precious resource.
Slow Your Scroll Challenge

DAY 8 OF 10

Take back your time

Social media gives us plenty of good things: connection, business opportunities, decorating inspo. But it also uses up something that for most of us is already in short supply: time.

The social media industry profits off your time. These platforms are designed to absorb your attention so you don't notice the minutes ticking away. It's up to you to put your foot down and take back the time they so badly want from you.

The benefits of finding your passion

When you're young, it can feel like you have endless time. What's another 30 minutes on YouTube when you have decades of life ahead of you, right?

On its own, 30 minutes is no big deal. But what about 30 minutes a day for your whole life? Imagine the skills you could hone and the experiences you could have if you spent those daily 30 minutes exploring other activities.

Our advice: Find your passion. This isn't some empty self-help refrain — having a passion is scientifically proven to improve your life.

If you haven't found your passion yet, don't get discouraged. It can take a long time to find that special thing. The key is opening yourself up to new experiences and the willingness to leave your comfort zone.

Today's challenge: Do something — offline — that engages your attention

Spend at least 15 minutes today doing something that interests you, brings you joy, or stimulates your senses (something other than social media, of course). It could be an old hobby you put down years ago or it could be something brand new.

If you're a parent, set aside some time to do this with your kids as well. Talk to them about what they like doing or what makes them feel excited, so you can help them explore activities and interests they will enjoy.

Tomorrow's topic is all about keeping your phone out of sight (and therefore out of mind).

Until tomorrow,
The Healthline Team

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