Wednesday, September 28, 2022

10 Self-Care Strategies That Help Me Manage My Depression

Hey there 👋

My name is Samantha, and I'm the community guide over at Bezzy Depression. This week I've filled your usual Healthline newsletter full of content you can only find on Bezzy. Love what you see? Check us out for more great articles like these.

I'm excited to see you there,
10 Self-Care Strategies That Help Me Manage My Depression
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10 Ways to Reach Out in a Mental Health Crisis
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5 Small Ways to Get Organized When Your Depression Has Other Ideas
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5 Tips That Helped Me Explain Depression to My Immigrant Father
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Monday, September 26, 2022

What’s Delirium and How Does It Happen?

Delirium is an abrupt change in the brain that can cause mental confusion, unclear speaking, drowsiness, short-term memory loss, and more.
What's Delirium and How Does It Happen?
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Depersonalization: The Anxiety Symptom That Makes Life Feel Fake
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Snapchat Dysmorphia: Does Perfection Lie Just a Filter Away?
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Social Anxiety Disorder
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How to Find Success When You're a 'Neurodivergent' Thinker
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For when it's more than just a bad day.
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