Saturday, October 22, 2022

Day 1. Skin care is healthcare

Ready to glow up?
Glow Up Challenge

DAY 1 OF 7

Skin Care Is Healthcare

If you've ever looked in the mirror and cringed at the appearance of a new crease, you're certainly not alone. Changes to your body can be jarring at any age.

And while we totally understand valuing your skin's appearance, in this challenge we encourage you to start thinking of skin care as a health issue, more than a cosmetic one. Because as your body's biggest organ, your skin provides functions that are crucial for your health and survival.

The good news? The most important things you can do for your skin's long-term health will also benefit the way your skin looks.

So, stick around; we have all the information you need to build a healthy aging skin care routine — at any age — plus loads of dermatologist-approved product recommendations.

First off, what does aging skin look like?

You probably know that wrinkles are a sign of aging but there are a lot more skin changes tied to getting older, including:

What causes skin to age?

Skin aging is a natural part of being human: no one can escape it. But everyone's skin ages differently and at different speeds, depending on:

  • Sun exposure: UV damage is the number one cause of skin aging.
  • Your genetics: People who have darker skin, for example, have more melanocytes which protect the skin from UV damage. The dermis (layer under the epidermis) is also thicker which preserves skin elasticity.
  • The air where you live: Skin can also be damaged by airborne pollutants like cigarette smoke and smog.
  • Your diet (probably): Research suggests that a nutrient-rich diet helps protect your skin cells from damage, while a diet high in sugar and processed foods can do the opposite.
  • Your mental health: Chronic stress may impede your skin's ability to repair itself.
  • Medical history and medications: Certain medications and skin disorders can speed up aging skin.

So, how do you pump the brakes on skin aging?

This is the golden question. And we're going to explore it in-depth throughout this challenge. Because no matter your age, you can take steps to help your skin age gracefully.

Today's challenge: In a well-lit room, look at your skin in the mirror to assess any signs of aging. Use this information to decide on a few key healthy aging goals.

Come back tomorrow to learn the most essential anti-aging — or, as we like to say, "pro-aging" — skin care steps.

Take care,

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