Monday, February 21, 2022

Checking in: How were the first few days?

Let's talk about where you struggled.
Alcohol Reset Challenge

Checking In: How Were the First Few Days?

You made it to the first few days of the challenge. Congratulations!

How did the past week feel for you? Any unexpected challenges? Or did you breeze right through it?

You might have found it pretty easy to avoid alcohol on your own, but a little more difficult saying "No, thanks" in a crowd.

That's completely normal, but it really will feel easier as the month goes on.

As you head into your second week, keep in mind your boundaries are flexible. In other words, you can always change them to ones that better meet your needs:

  • Maybe you went out to the bar with your partner, but found it really tough to stick to plain seltzer with lime. You might decide you'd prefer to avoid bars entirely for the duration, and that's just fine.
  • You went to a friend's party where people kept offering you drinks, even after you explained you weren't drinking. Remember, it's always OK to turn down invites from people who don't respect your choices or your boundaries.

If avoiding alcohol still feels a little challenging, that's also normal (and absolutely OK). This will feel less difficult as the month goes on. In the meantime, remember those stress-busting alternatives.

You're doing great! We'll check back in next week.

Until next week,
The Healthline Team

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