Friday, February 11, 2022

Day 1: Your alcohol reset countdown starts now!

What to expect over the next week and month ahead.
Alcohol Reset Challenge

DAY 1 OF 7

Your Alcohol Reset Countdown Starts Now

Drinking is a pretty popular social activity, but maybe you've noticed that "just one glass of wine" often becomes three or four glasses. Or your resolve not to drink on a particular evening disappears once nightfall arrives and your partner hands you a drink, unasked.

You might even want to take a brief break from drinking if you've started to suspect alcohol is affecting your physical or mental well-being.

Whatever your reason, going alcohol-free for a month can offer some insight on:

  • why you drink
  • how alcohol affects you
  • any key changes you'd like to make around alcohol use

This challenge isn't something to win or lose — there's no shame if you have a drink before the month ends. Whether you go 3, 13, or 31 days without alcohol, you'll still wrap up the challenge knowing more about your relationship with alcohol than you did going in.

We're here to help you succeed in that goal, no matter what shape it takes. Over the next 6 days, you'll receive daily emails outlining some important considerations to keep in mind during your alcohol reset. They'll also include challenges designed to help you prepare to navigate a month of sobriety.

An important safety note: Sobriety challenges don't replace treatment for alcohol use disorder. In fact, they can pose some danger if you drink daily or heavily, as quitting cold turkey can put you at risk of alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

You'll want to connect with a medical professional before trying a sobriety challenge if you've:

  • had alcohol withdrawal symptoms in the past
  • ever needed medical detox for alcohol
  • noticed symptoms of alcohol use disorder, including strong cravings and an increased tolerance for alcohol
  • already tried to stop drinking and had trouble doing so on your own

Ready for the first challenge? We'll see you tomorrow — same time, same place — to talk about your intentions for the month ahead.

Until tomorrow,
The Healthline Team

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