Friday, March 4, 2022

Checking in: Give yourself a high-five

Regardless of whether you've had a drink, you have plenty to be proud of.
Alcohol Reset Challenge

Checking In: Give Yourself a High-Five

Here we are, just past the halfway point. No matter how the first half of the month went for you, take a few moments to congratulate yourself.

If you tried the challenge and learned something — anything — about yourself and your relationship with alcohol, you succeeded, even if you're struggling with the challenge itself.

Habits tend to prove pretty resistant to change, and drinking is no exception. It's very normal to make a few (or several) attempts before change sticks.

If you slipped, keep those steps to self-compassion in mind and remember, there's no shame here.

We'll say it again: A successful alcohol reset means gaining insight on the role alcohol has in your life. In other words, having a drink or choosing not to continue the challenge doesn't mean you failed.

In fact, a slip up could even pave the way toward success.

A slip up offers the chance to reflect on the boundaries you set and explore anything about them that proved less than effective. That might lead you to:

  • explore different ways to cope with stress
  • spend a little less time with your regular crowd
  • find a new, more exciting replacement beverage, like your own signature mocktail

Still finding it tough to face painful emotions and sit with those feelings? Reaching for a grounding technique can help quiet those unwanted thoughts.

Two weeks left! Ready for the second half of your month long journey? We'll check back one more time next week.

Until then,
The Healthline Team

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